Saturday, November 8, 2008

Just because...

...I was not wearing long pants, I got kicked out of my university's health centre yesterday. I was there to visit a friend and after an hour, the staff returned from their long Friday break and decided to come into the women's ward to kick us out. It's fine if they were polite about it but it was almost as though they were out to embarrass you and give you shit. I mean, so what if I'm not wearing long pants? Why does there have to be a rule about it? How does it affect their medical procedures? If the doctors get a hard on and can't concentrate then that's their fault for not being professional. C'mon man... What if I was in pyjamas in my room (and without a bra) and I suddenly faint? Will they ask my room mate to dress me up before they would give me any medical attention? It's absurd.

Aren't there more serious issues to battle in university? What about nabbing those clothes theives or mat rempits that create annoyances? Wouldn't that be more effective than going into women's wards and kicking those who are not 'ethically dressed' out?

It's such contradiction. During my first year, I experienced my first fire drill at 1.30am. I had just fallen asleep from a long day and had an early start the next day. When the alarm went off, I jumped out of bed thinking it was a real emergency and was about to run out immediately. Luckily I decided to put on my bra first in case all my clothes would be burnt. I didn't wanna spend the next few days in my jammies and bra-less. To my horror, I discovered that it was a drill when I saw cameramen filming us!!! Most of us were in pyjamas except for the few who were still awake or already knew about the drill.


Since there are rules that disallow students from wearing anything 'unethical', their only chance to see us dressed 'unethically' are during fire drills thus they have to film it. Nonsense, I tell you. N-O-N-S-E-A.

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