Friday, June 26, 2009

Just because...

...I've been saying goodbye for the last couple of days it's hit me hard that I'm leaving. Emma was tearing last night already. The only upside about saying goodbye to Tegan this morning was knowing that I'm seeing her next week before I leave. It's so weird not to have her around anymore... Becky, Hannah and Katie have also left. Ageed and Alaa too. I missed saying goodbye to Hayley and Grant =( Christy, Justin and Connor are leaving tomorrow while Big Tim's leaving on Sunday. I'm so unhappy right now... Dom's leaving me on Tuesday too. I just wish I could pack him into my suitcase and take him home. I don't even know what's gonna happen after that. It hurts so much inside and I'm trying so hard to contain my tears.

Why do all good things come to an end??!! =(

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Just because...

...I should know well enough, why do I keep trying to convince myself that love exists? It clearly does not. Well, at least monogamy and everlasting love do not. Temporary love/lust does, simply because lust has gotten the better of you. Why do I get into relationships knowing it won't last? Am I simply a hopeless romantic who lives for the moment or am I just in denial when the seemingly right person pops up?

I've managed to keep myself away from hurt for the past few years and was doing so good with it. How did I let myself slip out from my fortress and into the jaws of those who are able to rip me apart? Life shouldn't be about regrets. Maybe that's why I let myself go this time... But is this a pang of regret that I'm feeling right now? For getting into such a shitty position that could've been avoided? I need a hug. A BIG one.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Just because...

...I've been in clothes like Hsian's nowadays, I notice the resemblance. Yuck. I still find it sick that Sean went for her cos not only do we look like twins, we have the same birthday. Gross.

Anyway, I've been up to lots of shenanigans over the last weekend. Had our Farewell Formal on Friday where I got thrashed and did a lot of stupid things that I have no recollection of, got 4 hours of sleep and went to the Blue Mountains the next morning and got back only to leave for Boorowa again. That's a total of 9 hours of traveling in one day!

Queen's birthday weekend was good though, slept in most of the time and ate so much good food that Tegan's mum made. Had wheatbix for breakfast 2 days in a row. Yummy! Saw illegal fireworks on her farm, experienced a burning tree for a bonfire and attempted to look for wild kangaroos!

I missed sending Krupa off though, so that sucks. I miss that girl so much. I can't believe how close we got in just a matter of weeks! I've Dom to thank for that. My first lesbian kiss even. Haha! She kept coming to kiss me cos she was smashed at Glassy. So was I, but not as much. I indulged her even while I was sitting on Dom's lap it was funny. Leachie was not happy. Hee!

I really should be studying now. Dom and I went for a late night drive all the way to Stanwell Park cos I wanted to see the sunrise. It was gorgeous but we didn't stay long cos it was freezing and we were tired. Got home past 4am and knocked out only to have the cleaners attempt to clean his room this morning and gossip that he had a girl in the room when he told them that they didn't have to clean his room today cos we slept in. Haha... Oops! Was planning to study when Julian texted me to hang out today. Went for lunch at Lee and Ann. Nice boutique restaurant, quite pricey although I think they could've undercharged me. Yay! Haha... Happy belly now. Really should study before Dom gets home from work. F-deck party tomorrow night. Yippee! God, I'm gonna miss Australia!!!! =(

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Just because...'s time to choose our seating arrangements for the Farewell Formal this Friday, I'm stressing out massively. Who should I sit with? My friends? My best friend's friends? Or my boyfriend's friends? Grr... Worst part is I don't even know if he wants me on his table and I can't find him around to ask if it's ok if we don't sit on the same table. This is so frustrating.

Not only that, I'm so bloody exhausted cos I couldn't sleep last night and he woke me up so early this morning before going to class and then the fire alarm went off. So pissing mad! Went to uni for dance classes although today is my off day only to find that no one showed up! Since it's my only free day I went into town to make my insurance claims and do some shopping which includes 2 bottles of alcohol and now my back is gonna break from all the walking around with 2 bottles in my sling bag. Sigh... How the hell am I supposed to go out and party tonight?! Hmph.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Just because...

...I've submitted my last assignment for my bachelor's degree (OMFG) I feel so relieved. Sad, yes... But relieved. I finally get to breathe for one day before I have to begin studying for my finals. Yeah, FINALS. That's it. I can't believe it. I'm almost done with my degree. My university life is ending. The harsh real world is waiting for me *gasp* but I will take it all in my stride.

I have less than 5 weeks left here in Australia. I wish time would stand still. I am not gonna think about leaving...

On a lighter note, I had a really good laugh chatting with Ranveer yesterday. I miss everyone back home. Can't wait to catch up again soon! =)