Friday, June 26, 2009

Just because...

...I've been saying goodbye for the last couple of days it's hit me hard that I'm leaving. Emma was tearing last night already. The only upside about saying goodbye to Tegan this morning was knowing that I'm seeing her next week before I leave. It's so weird not to have her around anymore... Becky, Hannah and Katie have also left. Ageed and Alaa too. I missed saying goodbye to Hayley and Grant =( Christy, Justin and Connor are leaving tomorrow while Big Tim's leaving on Sunday. I'm so unhappy right now... Dom's leaving me on Tuesday too. I just wish I could pack him into my suitcase and take him home. I don't even know what's gonna happen after that. It hurts so much inside and I'm trying so hard to contain my tears.

Why do all good things come to an end??!! =(

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