Sunday, January 11, 2009

Just because...

...I'm spending my last week in Penang before I leave, I've been busy catching up with everyone here. Some things I've learnt:
  • Who my real friends truly are
  • How the need for attention disintegrates the morals of some
  • How much I'll miss Penang
  • It is punishing to stay out of touch for too long
  • Some things stay the same
  • I'll miss Yunn Yee the most
Sigh... I can't believe I'll really be leaving soon.

On the bright side, I'm also super excited! I wonder what this experience will bring!


Nadia said...

u have a blog??

adeline said...

Just because...

...i don't have a blog doesn't mean i don't read/follow blogs... hehehe

u have a blog?? *quotes Nadia*

yay... one more blog to read :))

YiNwEi said...

Alamak. Adel, you're learning fast. I'm wondering who 'exposed' me wei...