Thursday, October 1, 2009 should be exhilarating and full of challenges, don't you think we should do what gives us an adrenaline rush, a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction?
Now that my internship is over and I am finally a free woman to pursue her dreams, I am stumped as to what my next move should be. Sure, it feels great to sleep in, do whatever I please and not worry about a thing but just how long can I do that? I'm a friggin' adult now, and I should be responsible for myself and not depend on my parents for money right? But then again, there's so much I would like to do before that.
As I am slowly submitting my job applications, I'm wondering if this is what I really want. Sure, I would die for a career with McKinsey, Bain or Hewitt... And I'd be elated to be attached to StanChart, Deutsche or Credit Suisse but I've gotta face it, just how marketable am I with a degree from a local university? I've already been rejected by Shell, BCG and Accenture (error in application here, serves me right) and have a non-response from GE so far. Am I surprised? To be honest, not quite... But I'm still willing to push for it. Life should not be about regrets eh?
Then again, I'm also exploring my other options - I've already got a reply and access to resources for training in the USA, work-travel in Australia (this is biased cos I wanna be closer to Tegan) and am even considering being an au pair in Europe like Amy, but the damn firm seems dodgy and non-responsive. If possible, I'd also like to do some volunteer work but is it fair to burden my parents with a child who is not only not earning money but spending it, especially when we don't have the resources for that?
This is all too overwhelming. My social life back home doesn't quite help though... Simply sitting down for a couple of hours filling up online forms is tedious enough for me. Like now, I've gotta run out for dinner and salsa dancing soon. I've had all day free today but only managed to submit ONE application. Life is wonderful!
Friday, September 11, 2009
...discovering what you're allergic to can be such a pain in the ass, is it worth the effort? My lips have been swelling up as it pleases over the past 2 months and not only does it hurt, I look so bad, it's quite embarrassing. So many theories have been brought forth about my allergy:
1. I'm allergic to Australian water (according to the doc when I first developed the condition almost 6 years ago after a 2-month vacation there)
2. It's my body's reaction toward stress, a lack of water and sleep
3. I'm allergic to seafood
4. I'm allergic to everything (haha ok maybe not, but it seems like it!)
Seriously... I don't wanna get hooked onto anti-histamines because then it might translate into a lifetime dependency. Sucks... And avoiding food is just pure torture for a foodie like me! I seriously think my deadliest sin is gluttony.
Grrr... So much to rant about actually... But I bloody do not have time. Interning in this damn place sucks the life out of me. I can't believe how some people can work there for over 10 years!!! Anyway it's coming to an end in less than 3 weeks. Yay! Then it's some traveling for me. Booked my flight to Singapore for the Sun Festival already. Will be spending a week there with my sis, can't wait! Tegan's also coming down at the end of the year and it's gonna be awesome! Still wondering if I should fly back with her and do some work-travel there instead of Europe or the USA. Any suggestions? :)
And oh, a kinky picture of me before I end this post from Tracy and Selina's birthday bash (speaking to kinky Leachie right now. God I miss that bugger):

Friday, June 26, 2009
...I've been saying goodbye for the last couple of days it's hit me hard that I'm leaving. Emma was tearing last night already. The only upside about saying goodbye to Tegan this morning was knowing that I'm seeing her next week before I leave. It's so weird not to have her around anymore... Becky, Hannah and Katie have also left. Ageed and Alaa too. I missed saying goodbye to Hayley and Grant =( Christy, Justin and Connor are leaving tomorrow while Big Tim's leaving on Sunday. I'm so unhappy right now... Dom's leaving me on Tuesday too. I just wish I could pack him into my suitcase and take him home. I don't even know what's gonna happen after that. It hurts so much inside and I'm trying so hard to contain my tears.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
...I should know well enough, why do I keep trying to convince myself that love exists? It clearly does not. Well, at least monogamy and everlasting love do not. Temporary love/lust does, simply because lust has gotten the better of you. Why do I get into relationships knowing it won't last? Am I simply a hopeless romantic who lives for the moment or am I just in denial when the seemingly right person pops up?
I've managed to keep myself away from hurt for the past few years and was doing so good with it. How did I let myself slip out from my fortress and into the jaws of those who are able to rip me apart? Life shouldn't be about regrets. Maybe that's why I let myself go this time... But is this a pang of regret that I'm feeling right now? For getting into such a shitty position that could've been avoided? I need a hug. A BIG one.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
...I've been in clothes like Hsian's nowadays, I notice the resemblance. Yuck. I still find it sick that Sean went for her cos not only do we look like twins, we have the same birthday. Gross.
Anyway, I've been up to lots of shenanigans over the last weekend. Had our Farewell Formal on Friday where I got thrashed and did a lot of stupid things that I have no recollection of, got 4 hours of sleep and went to the Blue Mountains the next morning and got back only to leave for Boorowa again. That's a total of 9 hours of traveling in one day!

Queen's birthday weekend was good though, slept in most of the time and ate so much good food that Tegan's mum made. Had wheatbix for breakfast 2 days in a row. Yummy! Saw illegal fireworks on her farm, experienced a burning tree for a bonfire and attempted to look for wild kangaroos!
I missed sending Krupa off though, so that sucks. I miss that girl so much. I can't believe how close we got in just a matter of weeks! I've Dom to thank for that. My first lesbian kiss even. Haha! She kept coming to kiss me cos she was smashed at Glassy. So was I, but not as much. I indulged her even while I was sitting on Dom's lap it was funny. Leachie was not happy. Hee!

I really should be studying now. Dom and I went for a late night drive all the way to Stanwell Park cos I wanted to see the sunrise. It was gorgeous but we didn't stay long cos it was freezing and we were tired. Got home past 4am and knocked out only to have the cleaners attempt to clean his room this morning and gossip that he had a girl in the room when he told them that they didn't have to clean his room today cos we slept in. Haha... Oops! Was planning to study when Julian texted me to hang out today. Went for lunch at Lee and Ann. Nice boutique restaurant, quite pricey although I think they could've undercharged me. Yay! Haha... Happy belly now. Really should study before Dom gets home from work. F-deck party tomorrow night. Yippee! God, I'm gonna miss Australia!!!! =(
Wednesday, June 3, 2009's time to choose our seating arrangements for the Farewell Formal this Friday, I'm stressing out massively. Who should I sit with? My friends? My best friend's friends? Or my boyfriend's friends? Grr... Worst part is I don't even know if he wants me on his table and I can't find him around to ask if it's ok if we don't sit on the same table. This is so frustrating.
Not only that, I'm so bloody exhausted cos I couldn't sleep last night and he woke me up so early this morning before going to class and then the fire alarm went off. So pissing mad! Went to uni for dance classes although today is my off day only to find that no one showed up! Since it's my only free day I went into town to make my insurance claims and do some shopping which includes 2 bottles of alcohol and now my back is gonna break from all the walking around with 2 bottles in my sling bag. Sigh... How the hell am I supposed to go out and party tonight?! Hmph.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
...I've submitted my last assignment for my bachelor's degree (OMFG) I feel so relieved. Sad, yes... But relieved. I finally get to breathe for one day before I have to begin studying for my finals. Yeah, FINALS. That's it. I can't believe it. I'm almost done with my degree. My university life is ending. The harsh real world is waiting for me *gasp* but I will take it all in my stride.
I have less than 5 weeks left here in Australia. I wish time would stand still. I am not gonna think about leaving...
On a lighter note, I had a really good laugh chatting with Ranveer yesterday. I miss everyone back home. Can't wait to catch up again soon! =)
Thursday, May 28, 2009 smile all the time get so excited over chocolate mousse light up at the mere thought/sounds of MC Lars always let me hug your extra pillow even though you love it so much give me soft, brief kisses at all the best times tell me I do well even when I screw up're more spontaneous and crazier than me's endearing how you always say "I'll live" when I bully the shits out of you have so many passions and work hard to actually pursue them're proud of your Italian heritage have such a good relationship with your family take the long way to class just to drop me off take on silly dares just to get some Tim Tams're not afraid to be yourself and risk looking silly make an effort to treat my friends nicely
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
...we've lasted more than 2 nights, in drunkenness as well as sobriety, does that mean that we're dating now? I don't know what I keep getting myself into. Ali's shit pissed at me, I've no idea why... Mr Crush hasn't really spoken to me since that awkward night though I saw him at Glassy with some other chick. Guess he's a player too... But that probably doesn't exclude me from the list either since I'm kinda with Mr Italian right now. I woke up very happy today. Life is bliss and I hope it stays that way =)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
...I just had a chat with Rung, Peter and Sharif, I'm missing them so much. Sigh... Rung wants me to come over to visit her in Bangkok and Peter might come and visit me next year. I really hope that will materialise. Eddie's coming this weekend though, so that'll be great! We're going dolphin watching at Jervis Bay and then to Sydney for a night out. I can't wait! I miss the times with Peter so much, everytime I talk to him it just makes me feel all upset =( It's not helping that Mr Crush is not doing anything either. What is it with me and European guys? Grrr... Wish they would stay away sometimes. I wanna go back to the summer of 2008!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
...I've been put in one of the most awkward positions in my life so far, I feel like I have to blog about it so that I don't explode in stress. Get ready for it...
I was propositioned to have a threesome tonight... By a guy that I have the hugest crush on and his friend, who is my very good friend and who has made many propositions before but never a threesome.
Like damn! They put me in such a tight spot for probably a good hour while I figured out a way to tell them that it's not gonna happen cos it's not how I roll. I mean, I REALLY like one of them and want to have something more with him rather than a one-night-stand. After all the pressure, I told him that he could give me a massage which he owed me if he wanted to but that's it. To my horror, he called my other friend to come along too! I almost died. I had to let them into my messy room and told them how awkward it is for them to be here and that it's not right and won't happen. The guy I like told me the awkwardness was made up by my attractiveness (yippee!) and kissed me though, and that felt like heaven although it was a closed-mouth peck. Luckily my friend realised that I was uncomfortable and proceeded to leave. After that, my crush left too cos I said I was really tired and that they were still kinda drunk. What made all these worse was when I went to brush my teeth, I realised that my neighbour was in and awake and probably heard them coming to my room! That's just uncomfortable given that he really likes me and took me out for dinner once. Sigh...
I dunno if this is how I wanted my night to end cos I had the most amazing time at my first AFL game today. Sydney Swans vs West Coast Eagles which we won 106 to 101. A jaw-dropping game. Also, I kissed someone again and that wasn't meant to happen after the last time. Well, at least I think this would be ok given the circumstances. Still I dunno what will happen tomorrow and this has just been the weirdest night in a long time for me. Sigh... I'm so tired and I'm not gonna care. Hopefully they'll forget all about it when they sober up in the morning. Good night...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
...I've just realised that there are people living in apartments across from me past the trees, I oughta start being careful. I always thought that there was no one who could look into my room what with the trees and the other decks being far away. I didn't even realise that there were apartments across from my room. I've been stripping butt naked with my windows wide open sometimes, oblivious to the fact that someone might be staring in at me. Shit.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Just because...
...Rubi posted one of these and I just read the iRAG newsletter about sexual positions to try, I decided to do these nonsensical stuff! =)
Which Kama Sutra Position Are You?
The Tree Climber
This is a standing position, so it isn’t your everyday thing you adventure seeker. You and your partner are face to face while you wrap both legs around his hips, and place your arms around his shoulders. His hands cup your butt, while drawing his pelvis towards you. Movement is limited in this position, losing balance is NOT sexy, so penetration isn’t that deep. To make it more sensual, whisper sweet nothings into his ears.
Hahaha... This was my friend's first experience with sex! He's damn pro lar like that...
What Sexual Position Are You?
Anything wild!
You both are crazy sex fiends! You will do anything and everything in the heat of the moment, after all, your both so damn horny!
Who do they mean by 'you both'??? Hahaha...
How Perverted Are You?
You like to do things you shouldn't be doing like talking to people in a disturbing way and watching things you shouldn't be.
LOL!!!! This is extremely funny. Haha... Can you imagine me in a trenchcoat coming up to random people and talking dirty to them and then hiding in my room looking out at the window across mine with a pair of binoculars???!!! Woohoo! And the little boy in the picture really does look like a pervert!
Are You A Sex Addict?
You have a healthy sex drive and enjoy pleasing yourself and your partner in a healthy way.
Oh, this is so true! I'm no addict!
Do You Have A Dirty Mind?
The Amateur
You still have traces of innocence, but have been exposed to true dirty minds every once and a while. You understand most dirty jokes, but have not yet reached the point where you can create them yourself.
Hahaha. This is NOT TRUE. I can create dirty jokes. Oh, wait... But I don't understand all dirty jokes. Hm...
And the best one...
How Do You Rate In Bed?
You're a S-T-U-D!!
When it comes to love making... you know exactly what you should be doing. Keep up the good work!!
Woohoo!!! Yeah, right ;P
Anyway, this concludes all the bullshit. I've been wasting too much time when I should be studying. Haha...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
...I'm witnessing stuff first hand, I guess I'm credible enough to say that the biggest sluts are American girls. It's amazing how they can hook up with various guys (who live with them!!!) and move on to the next ones without blinking an eye when they bump into each other in the dining room! They are the ones who come up to the guys and seduce them, then take them back to their room after partying the night away. Seriously. You don't see Australian girls or the European girls doing that. Or maybe they're more discreet about it... Hm... But surprisingly, the American guys are the decent ones here! Strange, huh? And it's so weird to see the American girls coming on to the Saudi Arabic guys! Making love not war, I presume... ;)
What's worse is that they can cheat on their partners without feeling guilty! Most of them however, are single but have no qualms about hooking up with guys who are already taken! Some seem to take pride in doing that. Sad, right? Not only do they sleep with guys who have girlfriends, they make it known by moaning so loudly! I'm in disbelief, really... I never knew morals could be eroded to this extent. I mean, I read about it, watch it in movies etc but never thought they actually happened.
Perhaps it's just because these students that I meet are only here for 5 months to have a good time. Therefore, my judgment may be flawed even though I try not to judge them. It's when it all happens under your nose and starts to irritate the shits out of you that you start judging I suppose...
Friday, April 24, 2009
...I just got back from my first date in a really long time, I'm feeling over the moon! It was a nice night. After all the drama that has been happening, I finally get some normalcy with a decent guy. To be precise, he's my neighbour here... Whom I've been complaining about because of his powerful speakers for a long time. LOL.
He was such a perfect gentlemen, holding doors, paying for the cab rides, dinner and drinks at North Gong after. Maybe a little too much of a man though, cos he pretty much made every decision tonight, besides asking me if I preferred prawns or chicken in the curry. Haha... But it's nice to have someone decisive in a way. I hate deciding on food anyway =) Although the night started pretty awkward because Jasmine Rice was fully booked and we had to take a cab back to Jasmine Rice II, the food was great and I did have a great time. He kicks ass at pool, btw ;)
Wanted to give him a hug tonight when I thanked him for dinner just minutes ago before we went to bed (next door to each other, haha) but Tadros was there so it was weird. Could feel that tension between us, especially since I told him I wanted to take things slow 2 nights ago at Glass House. Sigh... We'll be going to Sydney with Amanda and Suji tomorrow though. It's Anzac Day and I wanted to go to Ivy Bar and he was nice enough to ask me out. Wonder how that would turn out. I don't even know if I wanna fall for him. I'm leaving soon, he's Indian (our parents would flip) and I think he's from too rich a family, judging by how he has dinner (fine dining etiquettes and having his entire family spread out studying around the world, taking expensive cab rides everywhere). Being smart and good-looking definitely makes this a difficult decision. It's weird how I've changed though... I leave my door open now, run to the bathroom if I'm clad only in my towel (even worse, go to the shower fully clothed), peep into his room whenever I pass by...
Plus, everyone knows about our date tonight. It's so weird! Suji wants to find out the goss tomorrow, Amanda speaks to him in Hindi about it in front of me, Tegan texts to find out if there's any action going on, and the boys saw us come to North Gong together. They probably think I'm moving on too fast? =( Agit seems really jealous and doesn't hang out much anymore. Shit man... And Faisal seems to be running away too. Sigh... I hope I don't drive anyone away with this. I'm just gonna play it cool and take things slow under the radar... I'm really happy tonight though. Sure I'll have sweet dreams tonight... Good night everyone!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
...I've discovered that my aunts and uncles have Facebook accounts, I'm flabbergasted. I can't remember how many times I went "OH MY GOD" out loud to myself while discovering it. It just feels so wrong! Should adults with grown-up children be having Facebook accounts? It seems so weird to see their profile picture with their spouse and children! The dangers of Facebook has now been extended from current/future employers to include your parents! Oh my God! Now you've gotta be careful of what you post online and remove any bad stuff that you might already have on it. I just hope they don't find me and proceed to add me. I wouldn't know what to do! What's worse is seeing who's on their friends list. It's probably half-bad to see other parents there but the more disturbing part is adding their children's exes as friends too!!! Can you believe that?! OMG if my parents added Sean I would so lose it... I already can't fathom my brother doing that. Wow. How am I gonna sleep tonight? I'm gonna pray that no one will find me on Facebook but that's obviously near impossible since they can easily detect me from my cousins' photos or friends list. Sei mou?
...Facebook is too addictive as how everyone has noticed, I decided to take another quiz instead of study... Sigh... Anyway it says I should date a best friend kinda guy. Very true... But the last parts about dating a guy who's already my best friend or being friends with a guy before dating is a no-no for me. How to date my friend lar?! Would never risk a great friendship for that... Don't know if that's a good or bad thing. Hm...
Bestfriend Boy
You need a bestfriend boy. It sounds very boring, but it's really not. This could turn into the most passionate relationship ever! You need someone that is just fun to be around, without all the mushy gushy stuff all the time. You want to be able to be yourself around a guy, and just hangout like you do with your friends. You also probably value being able to have a conversation that has to do with more than how much you "miss" or "love" eachother. If you have a bestfriend that's a guy, don't be afraid to DATE HIM! He could turn out to be the perfect guy for you. And if you don't have a guy bestfriend already, then find one! If you meet a guy you might be interested in, see if you can just be friends before you climb into the relationship.
Monday, April 20, 2009
...I hardly indulge in such Facebook quizzes, I decided to take one... And lookie at the results! So damn accurate! =)
Your Sorority Life
You are a Future CEO.
You‘re practical and business‐savvy. You may wear stilettos and have a few martinis, but wouldn’t be caught dead doing a table dance in front of your colleagues. You date doctors, lawyers, and if you‘re lucky, a pilot. Men in suits make your knees weak. You like ones that aren’t intimidated by your career goals and help you unwind after a long day. Is sorority life for you? YES! Think of the networking opps; you never know who’ll introduce you to the next Donald Trump (with better hair, of course)!
Your Passion Type Key Traits: open, sensitive, balanced, empathetic, loyal, thoughtful Introspective and self-aware, you have a solid grip on your emotions. Your friends and family consider you "the rock" they can turn to and lean on during tough times. Part of that trust comes from the fact that you always try your best to say what you mean and mean what you say. This is part of your healthy outlook on life, love and work. Hard work is important, but remember to listen to your instinct when it tells you to take a step back and enjoy the quiet moments. There are certain things that you will always be passionate about, whether it's a certain cuisine, a type of music, or a particular sport. On the flipside, there are also things that will never interest you. But that's OK. Your romantic partner appreciates your unwavering sensibility, your balanced temperament, and consistent signs of love and care.
You mix passion with pragmatism
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
...miracles do happen, I'm praying for one now. Please bring me good news that my friend, Hassan Alqahtani is alive and safe. I can't fathom his disappearance, I really can't... Especially not after I was hanging out with him just hours before.
Harbour Cruise is on tomorrow and I'm not sure if I can attend it, knowing that such an incident has happened. All our friends are selling off their tickets. I'm wondering if I should join in. Unlike them, I'm only here for one session though... We were supposed to party the night away tomorrow. I really hope there would be good news today since the weather is good.
God, if there is one, please send us all a miracle...
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
...I have been shortlisted in Optiver's win-a-trip-round-the-world competition, I'm so elated right now! Of course there are probably another 100 others or so around Australia who got shortlisted but still!!! So happy! My stress level has dropped! Never mind that I failed their numerical test and will never be able to work for them ever (damn sad) but right now at least there's some reason to be happy! =) April 17th, I await thee...
Click here
Ooh! Yesterday I also got to feel what it's like working on the trading floor through the mock trading we had with Liquid Capital Markets. It was amazing. I did really badly and did not stand a chance to win an iPod, Wii or iPhone but it was a great experience! It's so freakin' tensed man... And you've gotta be alert to even hear a pin drop. Sharpness is the key... And a loud voice.
Yay! So happy! Going out to Glass House soon. I really need a break. Been hiding in my room for the past 2 weeks trying to finish my assignment but I'm still not done and it's due this Tues. Bloody literature reviews. I hate them. I've got another one up in 6 weeks which is double the content but hey... I'm gonna be superwoman.
Such a long day tomorrow... It would be perfect if I bump into 'cute UCL salsa guy' tonight. That would really make my day though he was MIA this afternoon. Sigh... Happiness! Haven't felt this way in a few weeks! Woohoo! Hope everyone's having a ball too! Love!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
...everyone has their limits, you should respect them.
Just because...
...I can talk cock with you doesn't mean you can direct personal insults at me all the time.
Just because... can sense that I'm getting uncomfortable with your words, you should realize that you're crossing the boundary and should stop and apologize instead of getting pissed off that I'm not as 'fun' anymore.
Just because... need to grow up, I'm gonna go and tell you that now.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
...most people subscribe to the belief that change doesn't happen overnight doesn't mean that this belief is true. I've met countless people who have seemingly changed overnight but the shock I feel now just can't compare. Maybe it's not just about change, maybe it's about the betrayal... About how one person is so set in her ways and never succumbed while I was there. Could it all just be a competition? That if she were more like me she would feel compared to me while I were there so she strived to remain different?
Being away from home and the people I care about has really opened my mind. Maybe it's that or reality hitting. Or maybe I'm just growing up, along with the people around me and I start seeing changes that I do not wish to see.
Nah, I think it's more about the betrayal.
Maybe it's time for me to change. To leave this idealistic world that I refuse to believe I am in. I am a realistic person but I might just be too trusting. Shall I start being even more cynical towards life? Could it be that Jelvin's right after all?
I feel like crawling into a hole and stop this change from happening... But as they say in my textbooks, "Change is the only constant". It looks like hiding in a hole is not an option for me.
Chin up!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 shouldn't be about living in fear or denial, I went for my first ever sexual health check-up today. Urine and blood samples were taken and I'll know my results in a week's time. Should be fine but the only thing that's bothering me is how much it would cost. The doctor couldn't even tell me cos here everything is so specialized and segregated. Sigh... Hope the bill will come soon in my mail and wouldn't cost me a bomb =(
On a worst note (or not), my laptop crashed the other day and I just spent AUD120 today to replace my hard drive. 160GB only. Bleh. Feel so poor. Sacrificed going to Glassy tonight and I'm being forced by Tegan to attend the Black & White Party this Friday. Gotta really look for a job soon!!!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
...I've got good reason to, I'm gonna dedicate this post to complaining about THE MOD HOUSE.
For those who are unaware, it's a local fashion label in Malaysia and they have an outlet at Mid Valley. Apparently they dress the newscasters from God-knows-which-news-channel.
Anyway, their merchandise are overpriced and of low quality.
Why do I say that you may ask?
For Chinese New Year this year, I was very unprepared and thus did my shopping at the very last minute. Happily walking around with my mum, we came across this bloody shop after having the yummy-but-also-overpriced durian dessert nearby. The place looked ok but what attracted me to it was that it was new and it had the words 50% OFF splashed all over.
To cut a long story short, I bought a pair of shorts at RM45 (originally RM90) and a dress for RM90 (originally RM180). My sis was furious when I got back cos she said it was way too expensive for something that wasn't special at all. And she was right to say that. And I'd be flaming mad if I actually bought these stuff without the discount.
I've only worn the dress once thus far and it hasn't given me problems BUT on the first day that I wore that pair of shorts, the zipper broke. Yes. On the first day - at my friend's open house where we were pulling an all-nighter. How wonderful. I couldn't unzip my pants and had to hold the effects of processed beer trying to leave my urinary system from bursting out of me. After about an hour, I decided that was it and tried again. To no avail. Frustrated, I just pulled my shorts off, and thankfully they came off cos its material is kinda stretchy *relieved*
When I was free, I went back to THE MOD HOUSE to ask if they could fix the lousy zipper for me. Alas, the salesgirl didn't know what to do and made me wait while she called for help. After about 5 minutes, she told me they could replace the zip for me at a price (!!!) AND I would have to wait 2 weeks for it to be ready. What the hell?! 2 weeks to replace a zip? Bugger... I was leaving for Australia in less than 2 weeks so obviously I couldn't leave it with them. Slightly annoyed, I went around looking for some tailor/seamstress/whatever who could fix it for me in a week's time. I did. And had to pay RM16 for it to be ready the day before I left the country. Wonderful. Now my shorts had cost me a total of RM61 not including the trouble it caused me and the extra transportation costs incurred for me to get it fixed.
Now the part that's cheesing me off is that, after paying RM61 for a bloody pair of shorts from a stupid Malaysian fashion house, the button has broken while I'm in Australia. Yes, BROKEN! Shit man... When it came off I thought I could sew it back but then I realized it's bloody made of plastic and the plastic has friggin' BROKEN! Argh! I'm so bloody pissed off now it's not even funny.
So dear readers, I feel like it is my duty to warn you not to buy anything from THE MOD HOUSE. Seriously. This is History 101. Learn from my mistake.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
...I've turned the dreaded 23, I think it's time to revise my thoughts.
- I'm not gonna expire now.
- I am NOT gonna get married at 23.
Photos to come soon...
Friday, January 23, 2009
...CNY is around the corner, better beware of corrupted cops! Had an incident just the other day when we went to Queen's Park (yes, we found it!), some place we were damn unfamiliar with. Luckily sis didn't wanna bribe the dumbass, he let us go after pretending to issue us a ticket. I guess he probably couldn't even cock up with some dumb reason for a ticket. Cops in Malaysia are damn corrupted. If we keep refusing to bribe them, I guess we would have a cleaner police force in due time.
On a MUCH better note...
I got the Endeavour Scholarship! Yippee! OZ here I come in FULL FORCE! Ok, maybe not exactly full but damn a lot lar... Hehe...
Time to get back to my biannual spring cleaning now. Yikes!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
...I'm spending my last week in Penang before I leave, I've been busy catching up with everyone here. Some things I've learnt:
- Who my real friends truly are
- How the need for attention disintegrates the morals of some
- How much I'll miss Penang
- It is punishing to stay out of touch for too long
- Some things stay the same
- I'll miss Yunn Yee the most
On the bright side, I'm also super excited! I wonder what this experience will bring!
Saturday, January 3, 2009 get really scary when you're drunk, I HAVE to avoid you. Not always because I want to. You can't blame me when you get violent everytime you have too much to drink. I have endured enough. The tipping point was reached when you started to get physically abusive - a step further than your usual verbal abuse. I will not allow myself to be subjected to that. Call me selfish, tell me that I'm full of myself, mock me and call me the 'amighty one'. In times like this, I have to put my safety above all else. Telling me that you're worried about me just because you're not there and don't know my friends and asking me to allow you to drive me home when you're pissed drunk is definitely not a good idea. And you should know that.
It's time you took a step back and realize why we broke up in the first place. Stop being in denial and lying to yourself and others. I've had to hurt you time and time just to make sure you got closure but it doesn't help. It's time for you to move on, although we barely started anything in the first place... And stop harassing my friends and yours. You could just be the one who's being inconsiderate and selfish, not me.
Friday, January 2, 2009
...a new year should be filled with hopes and dreams, I'm leaving all the bad stuff of 2008 behind. This new year I hope to have better judgment of people, especially people I date so as to ward off psychos, playboys and the sort.
I had a great celebration this year - the first with the Hartamas gang, with infiltrations from some others halfway through the night/day. Will try to post pictures if I get a hold of any.