...discovering what you're allergic to can be such a pain in the ass, is it worth the effort? My lips have been swelling up as it pleases over the past 2 months and not only does it hurt, I look so bad, it's quite embarrassing. So many theories have been brought forth about my allergy:
1. I'm allergic to Australian water (according to the doc when I first developed the condition almost 6 years ago after a 2-month vacation there)
2. It's my body's reaction toward stress, a lack of water and sleep
3. I'm allergic to seafood
4. I'm allergic to everything (haha ok maybe not, but it seems like it!)
Seriously... I don't wanna get hooked onto anti-histamines because then it might translate into a lifetime dependency. Sucks... And avoiding food is just pure torture for a foodie like me! I seriously think my deadliest sin is gluttony.
Grrr... So much to rant about actually... But I bloody do not have time. Interning in this damn place sucks the life out of me. I can't believe how some people can work there for over 10 years!!! Anyway it's coming to an end in less than 3 weeks. Yay! Then it's some traveling for me. Booked my flight to Singapore for the Sun Festival already. Will be spending a week there with my sis, can't wait! Tegan's also coming down at the end of the year and it's gonna be awesome! Still wondering if I should fly back with her and do some work-travel there instead of Europe or the USA. Any suggestions? :)
And oh, a kinky picture of me before I end this post from Tracy and Selina's birthday bash (speaking to kinky Leachie right now. God I miss that bugger):