Monday, December 29, 2008
...of a half-drunken escapade, I've wound up looking like a unicorn. Or flowerhorn. Lol.
Also, I've been 'collecting' people that I meet along the way who are in/going to Sydney. So many people! Yay!
New Year's Eve is coming. Have you decided how to celebrate? I haven't. Too many choices. Somehow I feel like I'll end up at one of the many parties various friends intend to host at Duta Vista. No more silly injuries this time, I pray.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
...I've got my confirmation, I'm super excited! I'm living with Yunn at the moment cos I'm too lazy to check into my hostel and then check out again. Will be returning to KL on Xmas eve! Woohoo! Will most likely have to come back again sometime to settle my credit transfers, pay my fees, etc.
Been running around all day today, I'm so tired... Too lazy to go out even. Can't believe this. Been surfing the Internet to find cheap secondhand textbooks I can use there. Wonder if everyone really uses the cheaper outdated versions of the books. Hm...
Friday, December 19, 2008
...I'm too lazy to pack and I can't open the damn packaging to install my Microsoft Office, I've been surfing aimlessly on the Internet. Here's what Rubi's blog got me to do:
Your result for The OkCupid Kissing Test...
The Girlfriend
You are 48% Passionate, 58% Romantic, and 47% Experienced!
Sweet Kisses, Sweet Girl.
So you're The Girlfriend. We call you that not because you're necessarily someone's girlfriend right now, but because you're the ideal girlfriend to smooch when you ARE hooked up. You've got high ratings for both Romance (58%) and Passion (47%). ) and you're experienced enough to be a sensitive and sexy kisser without being SO experienced it turns potential partners off.You can be super-girly, and you appreciate some of the gestures of traditional romance. But you're also more than ready for a deep, steamy makeout session with a hottie you dig. You don't like to play games, and you're generous with both your affection and your lust. You like to get to know your makeout partner over time, and you pride yourself on being able to provide what they need. In short, you're hard-wired for kissing people you care about, and the depth of your experience is going to prove more valuable than breadth in the long run.
The Boyfriend (or, hey, The Girlfriend) and The Real Deal are the best matches to your superb smooching skills. If you just want a great makeout, you might try The Vixen or The Rogue. They're suitable matches on the passion scale, but they're lacking in the kind of romance you crave, so don't say we didn't warn you if they love you and leave you. (They can't help it... they're just sort of like that.Compared to other takers
- You scored 48% on Passion, higher than 15% of your peers.
- You scored 58% on Romance, higher than 90% of your peers.
- You scored 47% on Experience, higher than 34% of your peers.
- You scored 100% on Woman, higher than 35% of your peers.
How everyone did
I have to ask... "Yao mou?" 47% experienced only? Hahaha... And 48% passionate? How can? I'm very passionate ok... Hmph! But I AM girlfriend material lar, can't deny that. Heehee! :) Sigh... This makes me miss having someone I love to kiss... is not their religious holiday, we need to go back to school the day after the Winter Solstice celebration when families get together to mark one month before the Chinese New Year. How are we supposed to have reunions in peace knowing that school begins the next day and most of us have to travel for hours to get to school? Because of that, myself and my friends are celebrating the festival a day earlier so that we can take the next day to do our traveling and settling in before classes commence.
Fine, maybe it is not THAT important a holiday to warrant such complaints although they do get other religious holidays interspersed between. What about x'mas then? Our classes start 3 days before x'mas and the norm is to have a holiday only on x'mas day itself. Every year, students either have to sacrifice celebrating this holiday with their family or take their 'own holiday'. Keep in mind that not everyone can do that as some students have to fly across seas to get home. Why can't they just begin lessons a week later? Wouldn't that be so much easier for everyone else?
Last year, exams were even scheduled on Deepavali. After much furore did they postpone the exams on that day. Maybe they didn't realise it was a religious holiday when they set the dates. Does this show some sort of insensitivity? They had the courtesy to postpone exams on that particular date but did not bother to give an extra day of holiday for students to return to their hometowns. Not enough, I say. No wonder a movement had to be formed to protect their rights.
For Hari Raya this year, we had a whole extra week of holidays for the festivities. Yay! I was genuinely happy. Who doesn't love holidays? Everyone gets more time to spend time with their friends and family, eating kuih raya and collecting duit raya... but shouldn't there be some sort of equality here?
Monday, December 15, 2008
...of political mileage, we see the debate arising again on whether or not to have the teaching of Science and Maths in English. Sigh... Why does this keep happening? Of course teaching it in English is a good idea. How else can we be on par with the rest of the world?
Ok, it's not just about being on par. It's about gaining knowledge, learning, growing. If all available information is mostly in English, shouldn't that be the language we should all master? I mean, I struggled learning Science in Malay back in school. Because of that, I couldn't understand and relate so many things just because everything was translated into Malay terms that just don't make much sense. Just as I started to accept the possibility that I could be intellectually-lacking, I entered Form Six and started learning Science in English. Everything made sense. My Chemistry grade jumped to an A from a pathetic grade last time.
We don't need English just for Maths and Science. We need it to communicate. It pains me to meet people who can't use English for they never really bothered to learn it. How are they gonna enter the workforce? Case in point: A colleague I recently worked with who also had no backbone. Why lar like that? Sigh.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
...I've been so damn busy, I haven't had the time to update. Work's a drag, I've fallen sick. An apparent vitamin B deficiency that has got me looking like I've got oral herpes or something. Sigh. I now realise how I've been abusing my body so badly. I googled it and it seems that if I don't cut down on alcohol or take more supplements, this sort of deficiency could be fatal *gasp* Trying to quit my job by this weekend. Can't believe I'll be going back to uni so soon =(
Also, just because something is famous it doesn't necessarily means it's good. I think I've mentioned this before but the latest account involves food, more specifically the roti babi at Yut Kee. Yunn has been giving me all the hype about it for so long and we were supposed to go. Dad saw it featured in the papers the other day and decided to bring us there for a Sunday brunch treat. Turns out that I used to go there as a kid! The place was crowded. We had to queue up for about 15 mins before we were seated. The excitement was immense but when the food came, it died down completely. Everything we ordered was bad except for the hokkien mee. That was really good though =)
On another note, I'm in the midst of booking my flight ticket to Sydney and boy, can I tell you that it's such a headache! Since I'm on such a strict budget my eyes have been poring the computer screen for hours on end each day to TRY to get a cheaper flight. I'm so pissed now cos the flight I wanted is sold out and the other cheap available one is at a weird hour AND it has become SGD2 more expensive for the return ticket when the clock struck midnight about an hour ago! Argh!!! Mau mati. Sigh. Anyone has any cheap flight recommendation or wanna donate to my education fund? It would be greatly appreciated!!! Weee!!! =)))
Friday, November 28, 2008 is incompetent, should he still be allowed to keep his job? In my opinion, NO. Today is the 28th November 2008. My deadline to decide on going to Wollongong is in 2 days. Less because half the day is gone and Australian time is ahead of ours.
This incompetent fool from the International Office was supposed to have settled my scholarship last week. He is 2 weeks late. He told me that I would know the results 2 days ago. But guess what? He was on leave on Wed and Thurs, and when I called today I was told that he's on emergency leave. WOW. He promised that I would know the result before the deadline. It is his job to get things done according to urgency but he decided to procrastinate AND THEN DISAPPEAR. Best part? No one knows what the hell he does and no one can help me with it.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
...this is my last holiday ever, I'm supposed to be enjoying it kau-kau. Why is that not the case? Sigh... Actually I shouldn't be complaining. Life is hectic because of good things (I hope) =)
I've been offered to study in the University of Wollongong for my last semester! Yay! Right now I'm just waiting for the result of my scholarship application, which I should know tomorrow *fingers crossed* I'm really excited about this. FINALLY I can actually make it after the failed attempts to Universiteit van Amsterdam and ESADE in Spain because now I actually have a shot at a scholarship. This is a much cheaper alternative with the exchange rate at 2.19 to the Ringgit when I checked it 2 days back. My family is being really supportive this time around despite dad's contract in Singapore ending. I'm busy looking for other scholarships right now but most of the deadlines have passed. Sigh... Working on an essay for Golden Key's Asia-Pacific Student Exchange Scholarship. Deadline's in 3 days! Oh boy...
Courses I intend to take at UoW to complete my degree:
- FIN226: Financial Markets and Institutions (6 credit points) to replace AFP368: Options & Futures - Quite redundant since I've done this paper but my school's paper is redundant anyway. We've learned about options and futures twice already in other papers, dunno why they need one more paper specifically for it. Oh well... I hope my Deputy Dean will sign off my credit transfer form for this.
- MGMT314: Strategic Management (6 credit points) to replace ATW393E: Strategic Management - I hope they will have the simulation thing my school uses too =)
- FIN241: International Financial Management (6 credit points) to replace AFP365E: International Finance - Really hope this passes off because their International Finance paper is only offered in the Spring semester. Anyway I think this paper is more relevant. Hehe...
- PSYC350: Social Behaviour and Individual Differences (8 credit points) to replace STU242: Social Psychology - I actually wanted to take Developmental Psychology but since it's also only offered in Spring I decided to take this paper. I think it's rather interesting too, probably more than the one offered by my school. Blessing in disguise? Maybe :)
I'm in the midst of deciding on where I'll live, if I do go. I need to decide by 30 November! That's 5 days from now! Omg. My top 2 choices are:
- International House. This is a catered residence, situated closer to my campus, 15 minutes from the beach and minutes away from the train station (dunno if this is a good thing, might be noisy). They have an award-winning iLive program which sounds amazing with all the activities they organize. Just afraid it's a bit too pricey though. It'll cost me AUD5,460.
- Keiraview. This is a self-catered residence, right smack in the CBD which should be fun but unfortunately it is a 40-minute walk from campus. Seems a bit troublesome to me and I might be too stingy to take the shuttle. Haha! It also operates as a motel and youth backpackers' inn. It's a beautiful place though, each room has its own balcony, TV and each resident has his/her own fridge! It looks cleaner and nicer too. I'll have to prepare my own meals, which could be cheaper. Living here would set me back by AUD3,950. It's about AUD1,500 cheaper than International House. I dunno which to choose!
Next thing I was busy with: Preparing for my interview with Brunsfield. It's for my compulsory industrial training course. It seems like a really nice place to work, it won the Best Employer's Award in 2005 and they are very eco-friendly! I went for the interview yesterday and got the part already, it's for next year when I finish my final semester. I just need to confirm the exact date I can commence and they'll send me my offer letter. Woohoo! Only downside is, I'll have to be 'uniformed'. Trainees are required to wear only white shirts (short or long-sleeved) with black skirts and black court shoes everyday except on Friday when we have the option of wearing black slacks. Hm... And makeup is compulsory. Another point is that it's in Tmn Tun, which takes me 25 minutes to get there when there's no traffic jam. Sis argues that it's better than working in the city. True also... Although there's hardly any parking there also. Oh well... We'll wait and see. I'm still waiting for Standard Chartered to open up their internship applications.
I'm supposed to start work with Mastermind Training International tomorrow. There goes my holidays. It's a good learning experience though, and I get to save extra money to go to Australia, if I do go. I'm trying to postpone it till next week though, because there's gonna be a little family trip to Genting this Thursday and Friday cos I have a free room. Jackson's not replying though, gotta call him again later.
Wow, I have officially been back for only 4 days and this is what I've been swamped with. Not bad, I'm taking it all in stride =)
On a much happier note, Joel will be back in 6 days! And Russell in about 2 weeks! I can't wait! Time for a little reunion. Gonna try to reunite with Suria, Chen Hoong and Amy this Friday at Bangkok Jazz for ThingOne if everything works out. Yippee!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 are not purely Malaysian, you can be an instant hit in this country. Has anybody noticed that almost all models that we see in magazines are caucasian? If you really pay attention, note that almost all of them come from Andrews Models too. Is this Malaysia? I tend to forget, browsing through our magazines sometimes. Maybe globalization has reached our shores in a different form and now we have to be represented by angmoh-looking models, wearing local designs... And by now I actually mean starting many years back.
Can anybody tell me why? I'm not just talking about models here... I include the whole range of angmoh-looking celebrities as well. Some of them barely have the talent to go by but are catapulted by their looks. I'm sorry I have to bring this up and I know that the person I'm about to talk about is a good friend of a friend so I'm prepared to get lashed at.
I recently attended a Dunhill event (unknowingly) where Joey G was due to perform. I was excited because he was Iqram's half of the Cosmic Space Munkeys and I have heard so much about him. When he got up on stage to prep, I almost melted because of his good looks (although I know he's married) but the moment he started spinning, it was a disappointment. I guess I was not the only one who felt that way because the huge crowd that had gathered before started to disperse, and pretty quickly. What had happened to the raves about him? Seriously. I think it was all because he's angmoh, not that I have anything against that.
One other reason I brought this up was because I actually miss Peter a lot (a Swedish guy I dated). I was dreaming of having him come over to Malaysia and it hit me that it would be pretty easy for him to get a job here despite the global economic slowdown simply because he's good looking. People get jobs based on looks sometimes, it's not a secret. That's why some companies do not allow you to send in your photo along with your resume. It hit me that if he were to be a model here, he'd be an instant hit too... With his long blonde hair, blue-green eyes and great complexion with a hot bod to boot. It was at this point that it dawned on me that ALMOST ANYONE with some foreign blood can be a model here.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
...I study in a local public university, should I be made to feel less worthy? Sadly, this is how the employment sector has chosen to treat local graduates.
I'm not living in my own little world. I know that I can't be compared to a Cambridge or Harvard graduate but shouldn't I deserve a chance too? **I actually got accepted into a few reputable universities in the UK but declined the offer due to financial constraints** It pains me to no end that my applications are dismissed without second thought. A certain internship application I submitted 4 months ago still has not been viewed at all. It's true. If I was deemed unfit after my application was viewed, it's fine... But they won't even look at it. I heard this from the mouth of a Human Resource Manager myself. Unless I'm from a world-class university, most companies would not even bother. By most companies, I mean companies that would provide me with a good learning curve, not one where my full potential will not be realized.
Many people actually see students who manage to get into a local public university as highly qualified. It's no wonder. STPM is only about the third most difficult exam in the world! I guess that's why I've always wanted to do Form Six, I wanted to be challenged. Here I am now, with such treatment. Sigh... Maybe the matriculation students kinda 'dumb us down a little' but nevertheless we're still of quality. I know a lot of brilliant matriculation students too. Or could it be the lack of soft skills? We've heard this many times over in the media. Maybe it's true that most local grads do not have good language or communication skills but not everyone's like that. My circle of friends is made up of eloquent speakers with a strong sense of leadership.
Did that many rotten eggs actually spoil the basket we're in?
I say we deserve a chance. At least take a look at our credentials before dismissing us. You might be missing out on a lot.
**I just got offered a job after meeting somebody for the first time at the PSMB conference in Genting. See what I mean?
Saturday, November 8, 2008
...I was not wearing long pants, I got kicked out of my university's health centre yesterday. I was there to visit a friend and after an hour, the staff returned from their long Friday break and decided to come into the women's ward to kick us out. It's fine if they were polite about it but it was almost as though they were out to embarrass you and give you shit. I mean, so what if I'm not wearing long pants? Why does there have to be a rule about it? How does it affect their medical procedures? If the doctors get a hard on and can't concentrate then that's their fault for not being professional. C'mon man... What if I was in pyjamas in my room (and without a bra) and I suddenly faint? Will they ask my room mate to dress me up before they would give me any medical attention? It's absurd.
Aren't there more serious issues to battle in university? What about nabbing those clothes theives or mat rempits that create annoyances? Wouldn't that be more effective than going into women's wards and kicking those who are not 'ethically dressed' out?
It's such contradiction. During my first year, I experienced my first fire drill at 1.30am. I had just fallen asleep from a long day and had an early start the next day. When the alarm went off, I jumped out of bed thinking it was a real emergency and was about to run out immediately. Luckily I decided to put on my bra first in case all my clothes would be burnt. I didn't wanna spend the next few days in my jammies and bra-less. To my horror, I discovered that it was a drill when I saw cameramen filming us!!! Most of us were in pyjamas except for the few who were still awake or already knew about the drill.
Since there are rules that disallow students from wearing anything 'unethical', their only chance to see us dressed 'unethically' are during fire drills thus they have to film it. Nonsense, I tell you. N-O-N-S-E-A.
Saturday, November 1, 2008 goes against my principles, I will probably forgo applying to BAT to do PR. As much as I really wanna try dabbling in it, especially since I heard that BAT is a good company to work in, I can't be two-faced. Here I am on one hand stealing and hiding my friends ciggies so they won't smoke so much and on the other hand, I'm considering promoting ciggies as a career. Sigh. What contradiction.
It's scary how I'm about to hit 23 soon and enter the working world, becoming a REAL adult, not merely reaching (and surpassing) age 21. I've got all these fears about my future, about how I might not be as successful as I always imagine myself to be. The US (and global) financial meltdown isn't helping either. What am I to do when my chosen career field is facing such crises? I'm thinking of continuing my studies, perhaps doing my Master's or CFA if I get a scholarship while waiting for times to get better... But I also wanna help out with my family's financial position and we all know that the economy is cyclical, now that the market is tumbling, it's bound to rebound and it might be a great opportunity for me. I am not God though, and I've learned that market timing is vital but how does one know that? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for better times ahead and more luck with my applications...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
...some things are (not) meant to be I have to live to the adage of "You have to be cruel to be kind". I've learnt time and time again that this is indeed true. I'll just have to accept it and keep trying my best to be 'kind'. Sigh... Treated myself to a game of team Risk with Julian, Brandon and Andrew last night. Brandon and I make a great team. We totally kicked ass! Muahaha! Felt so much better after the game although I barely managed any studying.
Just because...
...I'm a nice friend I've decided to join the boys for dinner and watch 'Tropic Thunder' together tonight (hahahahaha). Tony's on the way now, gonna try to squeeze in some studying/games before leaving. Tata!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
...I feel lazy and it's Deepavali tomorrow, I'm going for Aravin's 'open house' tonight. I've been doing nothing at home on my study break so I figured I should get out of the house. That might make me feel guilty and push me to study more instead of staying home flipping channels or reading mags. Sigh...
*fingers crossed*
Happy Diwali everybody! And sorry Ruby, for having to miss a crazy party at your place with your extended family (I mean, mine ;P). Love!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
...I want a new outlet, I've created this blog. Just thought about how my name sounds like 'because' in mandarin (because Susy from China kept calling me 'because') and how it's such a useful word to begin ranting hence the URL. Seeing as to how and have been taken up by people who only posted once or twice(!!!), I've resorted to I hope to be updating this blog more often to keep up with my deteriorating memory and keep in touch with people I meet along the way.